AnimalBiome® Gut Microbiome Test for Exotic Animals
Find out what’s really going on inside your pet's digestive system. This at-home test uses state-of-the-art DNA sequencing technology to detect bacterial imbalances, as well as specific harmful and beneficial bacteria.  This kit cannot be used to analyze cat, dog, or horse samples, due to significant differences in laboratory processes. For these animals, please see the KittyBiome™ Gut Health Test, DoggyBiome™ Gut Health Test, and HorseyBiome™ Gut Health Test. Any sample registered as 'cat', 'dog', or 'horse' with this kit cannot be processed.  We are unable to process human samples.
DoggyBiomeâ„¢ Gut Health Test
Find out what’s really going on inside your dog’s digestive system. This at-home test uses state-of-the-art DNA sequencing technology to detect bacterial imbalances, specific harmful and beneficial bacteria, and provides customized recommendations to make informed choices for your dog’s health.
HorseyBiomeâ„¢ Gut Microbiome Test
Learn about your horse’s unique gut bacteria with our simple and compact sampling kit. Receive a comprehensive microbiome report straight to your inbox. Powered by the most comprehensive DNA sequencing technology and innovative scientific research available, the HorseyBiome™ Gut Microbiome Test can detect thousands of bacteria from your horse’s poop. This kit is designed specifically for horses and cannot be used for any other animal. Please see the KittyBiome™ Gut Health Test for cat testing, the DoggyBiome™ Gut Health Test for dog testing, and the AnimalBiome® Gut Microbiome Test for All Animals for all other non-human animals. We are unable to process human samples.
KittyBiomeâ„¢ Gut Health Test
Find out what’s really going on inside your cat’s digestive system. This at-home test uses state-of-the-art DNA sequencing technology to detect bacterial imbalances, specific harmful and beneficial bacteria, and provides customized recommendations to make informed choices for your cat’s health.
KittyBiomeâ„¢ Oral Health Test
Find out what’s really going on inside your cat’s mouth. This easy, at-home test uses state-of-the-art DNA sequencing technology to detect bacterial imbalances and the presence of harmful bacteria, even before symptoms occur. Use customized recommendations to make informed choices for your cat’s unique oral and dental health needs.