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Take it from our customers.

Emmy's Story

Diarrhea | Vomiting | Weight Loss

“Emmy had chronic diarrhea, vomiting, and she was rapidly losing weight. We tried diet changes and medications, but we couldn’t get her to stabilize until DoggyBiome’s products. After microbiome testing and the supplements, there was a turning point. Emmy had firm poops! Then she was gaining weight.”

Zuki's Story

Atopic Dermatitis

“Zuki suffered from atopic dermatitis. She had lost fur, her skin was red, and she constantly scratched. Zuki was surrendered to DC Shiba Ina Rescue due to her skin problems. She was in a great deal of discomfort. She began with the DoggyBiome Gut Restore capsules and we adjusted her diet. With diet changes, gut microbiome testing and microbiome therapy, Zuki made an incredible transformation. After two months, she was on her way to a healthy coat of fur, and her skin was no longer red. She was so much happier! Thank you AnimalBiome.”

Rocky's Story


“Rocky had awful bouts of diarrhea after antibiotic treatment. We are happy to report that Rocky is feeling better now after using KittyBiome’s supplement. Within days of starting the treatment I noticed a huge difference in Rocky and his poop. The diarrhea has stopped! Thank you for saving Rocky from having to be on meds that only help with the symptoms of an unbalanced gut! Thank you for helping me treat the main cause of his issues.”

Rocky the cat by steps

Marigold's Story


“I promised Marigold I would find a solution to her chronic diarrhea. Within 3 days of starting the supplements, Marigold regained control over her bowel movements. After one week, she was doing something she had almost never done since I had known her–she was having normal bowel movements.”

Marigold the cat with her pet parent

Daisy Mae's Story

Diarrhea | Bad Breath | Vomiting | Lethargy

“The Gut Test is very comprehensive and really impressive! The Gut Restore Supplement did improve her health, along with a change of diet, and supplements. The second Gut Test shows improvement, and she’s no longer having any problems with vomiting, nausea or diarrhea. I cannot overstate how helpful and knowledgeable the DoggyBiome team is! The consult after the test with a team member is extremely helpful.


After almost a year of tearing my hair out trying to figure out what to do to help my dog, she is now full of energy, has an extremely good appetite, and her bowel movements are perfect. Thank you!

Daisy Mae the dog on a grassy field

Fantastic Customer Service

“AnimalBiome’s fecal transplant capsules and microbiome test have been essential in helping my autoimmune pup with digestive issues to improve her health. This is a wonderful company, and I am so thankful for them.” - Customer Name, Date

Fantastic Customer Service

“AnimalBiome’s fecal transplant capsules and microbiome test have been essential in helping my autoimmune pup with digestive issues to improve her health. This is a wonderful company, and I am so thankful for them.” - Customer Name, Date

Fantastic Customer Service

“AnimalBiome’s fecal transplant capsules and microbiome test have been essential in helping my autoimmune pup with digestive issues to improve her health. This is a wonderful company, and I am so thankful for them.” - Customer Name, Date

Trusted by veterinarians.

Read Our Reviews

Based on 952 reviews

Highly recommend
Just a little goes a long way

Works really good. No bad breath

Complete Fiber Blend for Cats and Dogs
Adam Maxwell (San Diego, US)
Good for picky pets

I have a small senior dog who's very picky and doesn't like when I add powders and things to his food. I added a scoop of this to give it a try and he didn't even seem to notice. It's easy to add. Plus, I love the beautiful color that it adds to the bowl.

Gut Restore Supplement for Cats
Lindsay (Austin, US)
Only on the second dose but so far so good!

My extremely sensitive senior cat has been vomiting daily. After two days one one dose of Gut Restore there has been no vomiting and she is eating her food. I was not looking forward to having to pill her but I tried hiding the capsule in a pill pocket and she ate it with no issues.

Gut Health Test for Cats
Amanda B (Pittsburgh, US)
Cat with IBD

My cat was diagnosed with IBD. He was vomiting daily. Once we got his vomiting under control with food, his bowel movements were getting looser. His test results showed that he didn’t have bad bacteria in his gut, just an imbalance. I’ve started him on probiotics and he has been improving!

Dogs and Cats

The rescue pets will become healthier and they like it, too

Gut Health Test for Dogs
Andrew (Mission Viejo, US)
Finally, we have some answers

Our 10-year-old Alaskan Klee Kai was diagnosed with IBD about 3 years ago, and had been pretty stable with his daliy medication up until July of 2024; he came back from boarding one weekend unable to tolerate his food. After on-and-off diarrhea for about 5 months, multiple rounds of metronidozale, several food changes with no improvement, negative x-rays, fecal exam, blood panel, and urinalysis, and even a trip to the emergency vet, we still had no answers. A fellow AKK owner encouarged me to check out Animal Biome products, and I figured I'd start with a microbiome test to know exactly what we were dealing with and how best to treat him. His results were shocking - he had ZERO bacteria of any kind, good or bad. The antibiotics had completely wiped out his gut flora except for e. coli which was off the charts. A normal e-coli range is 0-5; his was 99.5. The test showed that the extremely high e.coli number was likely inflaming his gut causing the chronic diarrhea, and because he has no healthy bacteria he couldn't process any normal dog food. We've been treating him with GMP and are starting the Gut Restore soon per our consultant's recommendation, and he's been doing great so far. I am incredibly thankful for the insight this test provided and am very hopeful we will get him back on regular food again after his treatment is completed. I will also make it a semi-annual routine to do another microbiome test to make sure he is staying on track.

This product is helping us get our pup’s gut healthy.

GMP for Dogs
Deborah Hawthorne (San Diego, US)
wonderful probiotic

my dog always had loose stools. since I have been giving him one caplet a day he has much firmer and better stools. product does what it says it will. thank you for making a product that works.

Gut Health Test for Dogs
Kathryn Waitzman (Bannockburn, US)
Easy to use, results clear and consult

This box contains all needed from easy instructions for stool collection, shipping, results on line in 2-3 weeks. The results come with a 15 min biome specialist who know this science to help optimize your dog. Both dogs are adopted 1st ones guy is great, 2nd one not so great. We will get there.

Great Product, Maybe even Life saving!

This is the only product that has helped my kitty out of a long and tiring stint of the runs. Thanks to Animalbiome we can all move past the stress and concerns!💖

Gut Restore Supplement for Dogs
jeanett Dillion (Wailuku, US)
Has made a huge improvement!

This product has made made a huge difference for my tiny 3.5lb dog who is now 4.5lbs from 2 bottles of the Gut Restore! She is finally absorbing nutrition… Her flare ups are almost non existent and I ordered a 3rd bottle for good measure. Very HAPPY!

Gut Health Test for Dogs
Karin LaFreniere (Schererville, US)
Worthwhile Test

I had all 4 of my Yorkies tested and found undesirable bacteria in their systems. Happy to find out and have the chance to correct!

Gut Restore Supplement for Cats
Cat Daddy (New York, US)
Patience is key

Adult rescue with chronic loose stool from the moment I got him (~six months). Tried many changes to diet, pumpkin puree, and fortiflora, all to not much effect. Vet recommended Gut Restore. Tried it for a month. Nothing. Directions say sometimes it takes two months. Marketing gimmick? What the heck, ordered another bottle. Also started giving him s. boulardi. Two weeks into this routine, he is finally laying some nice thick long solid cable. Hope it lasts!

Amazing stuff and amazing company. I don’t know what I’d do without this for my kitty.

Gut Restore Supplement for Cats
Tristen R (San Antonio, US)
Cured the liquid back into solid stool for cat under 1 year

Our kitten was born sick and has been on constant antibiotics to clear a lingering lung infection issue. His internal medicine specialist requested he take these fecal pills whilst taking strong medications that cause GI and bowel upset. He went from explosive liquid and loose stool to soft solid and then normal stools. It worked quickly, did not interact with his medications and he felt better within just a few days. Pill size is small and that is great for our kitty, he just licks them down in a dollop of Churu treat and is none the wiser. I am buying another bottle to add to their medicine cabinet just in case we have issue with any of our other cats in the future. This product is amazing.

These bags are great and don’t break!

Such an improvement in my poor old (15yrs!) puppy!

This supplement máde all the difference in the health of my 15 year old doodle! Thank you!

Gut Restore Supplement for Dogs
AllisonC (Virginia Beach, US)
Finally…normal poops

After eight weeks of on and off diarrhea, a cooked chicken diet and two rounds of antibiotics, we ordered Gut Restore for our Giant Schnauzer, as recommended by our vet with a third round of antibiotics. Within 10 days, we saw an improvement, and after a 28 day cycle, we had normal poops again!

Gut Restore Supplement for Dogs
Amy R (Acworth, US)
Helped normalize stool

My 3yo GSD mix had been having intermittent loose stools despite medication and changes in diet and probiotics. She's been on doggybiome gut restore for several months and very rarely has loose stools. Thankful to have found a product which works.

GMP for Dogs
VR (Edmonds, US)
my dog will be on this for life it's the best

the best stuff, my dog take this everyday and will be on it for life along with his prescription meds

Gut Health Test for Dogs
Heather Vasquez (Denver, US)
Totally Worth It!

I don't know why more vets don't recommend this test for dogs with severe allergies?!

This should be the first go-to, as opposed to spending hundreds of dollars on dermatologist visits. We spent like $400 at the dermatologist only to be told the best course of action was to put our little guy on an immune altering drug with super weird side effects - no thanks!

Luckily, our secondary vet recommended AnimalBiome. The test is super easy all around, from collecting the sample to sending it off. What I love most, is that you get a free 15 minute consultation with the results.

Most likely you'll have to buy the Gut Restore pills to get your pup's gut in order but it's so worth it. Our guy has been on the gut restore for about 2.5 weeks now and we've already noticed his eyes aren't as watery, he's not as itchy and he doesn't smell like a corn chip 4 days after we give him a bath haha!

We are going to need to purchase the recommended AnimalBiome maintenance products but it's way better than spending hundreds on other methods that don't get to the root of the problem. That's what's most important and that's what AnimalBiome accomplishes!

Gut Shield Chews for Dogs
Janet Laney-Clark (Salt Lake City, US)
Good choice

Seem to work well for consistent stools. And Minnie will actually eat them. She’s quite picky so that’s a bonus

Gut Health Test for Dogs
Barbara Faragó (Graz, AT)

I have received a complete answer regarding my dog's abnormal bowel function and gut flora.

The test results are so clear and straightforward—it’s a huge help in understanding how I can support my dog. I also received a treatment plan, which looks great!

The veterinary team is incredibly kind and helpful, and an additional 15-minute free consultation is included to go over the results, which is an extra bonus.

Congratulations to you all—you are an amazing team! My only regret is not finding you sooner ❣️

I live in Hungary and sent my dog’s stool sample from there. I’m so glad I took on this challenging task.

I highly recommend the Doggy Biome test to everyone! ❣️