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Find the Solution for Your Dog’s Symptoms

If your dog has any of the symptoms below, an imbalanced gut microbiome may be the cause. Click on a symptom or category below to shop products that can help.

black and white Australian Shepherd smiling on a white background
Flower and pollen illustration. An icon for allergies.


Dog breath illustration.

Bad Breath

Dog poop crossed out. Diarrhea icon.


Illustration of gut with plus sign.

Gut & Digestion

Illustration of sparkling dog tooth.

Oral Health

Illustration of sparkling hair follicle.

Skin & Coat

Flower and pollen illustration. An icon for allergies.


Dog breath illustration.

Bad Breath

Dog poop crossed out. Diarrhea icon.


Illustration of gut with plus sign.

Gut & Digestion

Illustration of sparkling dog tooth.

Oral Health

Illustration of sparkling hair follicle.

Skin & Coat