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Find the Solution for Your Cat’s Symptoms

If your cat has any of the symptoms below, an imbalanced gut microbiome may be the cause. Click on a symptom or category below to learn how the gut is involved and which products can help.

tabby cat on a white background
illustration of cat and wind blowing out of its mouth

Bad Breath

Dog poop crossed out. Diarrhea icon.


Illustration of gut with plus sign.


illustration of a hairball


Illustration of sparkling dog tooth.

Oral Health

Illustration of sparkling hair follicle.

Skin & Coat

illustration of cat with wind blowing out of its mouth

Bad Breath

Dog poop crossed out. Diarrhea icon.


Illustration of gut with plus sign.


illustration of hairball


Illustration of sparkling dog tooth.

Oral Health

Illustration of sparkling hair follicle.

Skin & Coat